Kings and Castles - Daydream

Kings and Castles - Daydream

Four piece indie rockers Kings and Castles shed the training wheels with newest single Daydream. A radio friendly, riff oriented hook fest, Daydream is exactly what you expect from a modern indie band. Buzzing enough to dance do but still driven by tinny guitar twangs, it fits the mould laid out in front of it well.

Opening with a lick seemingly pulled from the annals of Kooks and Arctic Monkeys discography, the tune soon opens up into a highway of body swinging and hand clapping rhythm. Sing along melodies ensure a friendly, upbeat vibe the is easily accessible and familiar. Fitting in with the  modern musical landscape, Daydream then lands a haymaker with a ripping solo towards the end, punctuated by battling gun percussion.

Bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm and exuberance, theres little to dissect and disagree with. Daydream has that timeless quality that defies eras with its smoothness. It’s the sound of life, of growing up, of uncertainty and romance. All themes the will allow this one to speak to fans and listeners for tears to come. Punchy and slick, Daydream is a promising sign of things to come.


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