Glass Wings - Everything And Nothing

Glass Wings - Everything And Nothing

Glass Wings, other than being one of the least useful inventions of all time, is the nom de plume for Belfast based musician Stephen Jones. Performing in his current state since 2016, Jones debut album Everything And Nothing is a positive first step for the promising artist. Backed by the strong lyricism that we have come to expect from the performer, Everything… is filled with colourful metaphors, delicate instrumentation and, most importantly, clarity. Jones already understands what music he wants to make and what he is good at, investing heavily into it and writing an album that exaggerates his strengths and downplays his weaknesses.

Jones has managed to put his own unique spin on acoustic indie music, a twist that has a playful teasing kick to it, while his calling card vocals remain bereft of genre and velvety smooth. Still, the influences of other genres are clear, with the Suzanne Vega-esque On My Mind indulging in a pop-oriented melancholy reserved for the indie charts. I cannot bring myself, however, to stray from nitpicking. try as I might, Everything... feels far too safe a performance from Jones. A majority of songs have his unique voice, and yet still seem to follow a tried and tested formula for pleasing tunes.

With this being said, the album remains largely satisfying. Everything and Nothing does not reinvent the wheel, and it does not have to. A solid venture which neither strays too far from the path or blindly follows the stars. The titular track typifies this with its radio-friendly groove, PG frame and spacey pop melodies. An unusual mix that Jones performs well, managing to sound both familiar and like himself. Everything… is an effortless album that can be picked up by anyone, which is where its strengths lie. Not the greatest debut and far from the worst, Everything and Nothing is a promising and enjoyable first effort with no glaring flaws. While a tad predictable and lacking in chartbusters, Everything and Nothing remains tight and complete sounding. A confident first step.

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