Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace

Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace

I think if there was one more thing needed in 2018, it’s for everyone to lighten up for an hour and just have a laugh. 2018, meet Tropical Fuck Storm (TFS). Drawn as I was to the hyperbole of their title, the Aussie quartet have also released one of the more intriguing albums of the year, saddling themselves in the same vein as IDLES in that they write angry songs you can be happy to. Self-proclaiming to make “weird music for people who are sick of the same old shit.” Intriguing. Weirdos, stand up and be counted, the hymns are about to begin.

Haphazard and, most importantly, different, TFS seems more akin to an avalanche than an orchestra. On Soft Power, floaty female backing vocals drift in an out, a juxtaposition to the organised chaos occurring between the lead vocals, guitar and drums, while You Let My Tyres Down is an anarchist anthem, dripping in nihilism, substance abuse, and menacingly curled lips.  But most striking right off the bat is the vocal style implemented. Less singing and more ‘cheap larger fuelled shouting/conversation match’, TFS spoken word delivery has hints of the modern punk scene in it, but with their own unique twist. A mix of malicious and matey, they add to their distinct aesthetic, one that seems to demand that you care about nothing except for not giving a fuck.

Desperately funny, the lyrics mostly draw on inspiration from the putrid in their lives and are a glorious accompaniment to the shredding sludge of the acoustics. Gloriously repulsive, like that six car pile up you just can't tear yourself away from, despite the danger posed to your own personal wellbeing. You just need another hit of the disdain.

The type of band who will rob your gaff and stick the heating on for you coming home, there an almost fuzziness to their anger, a relatability in their dedication to doing nothing and being nothing except for themselves. A Laughing Death In Meatspace is an absolute joy and should be on the playlist for weirdos everywhere.


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