Baroda - Lay Down

Baroda - Lay Down

New on the scene is Belfast based quartet Baroda. Self-described as a band influenced by ‘indie, blues and alternative music’, the four-piece have released their debut track ahead of their upcoming EP “Walk On Water.” Their released track Lay Down, recorded in the bedroom of frontman Neil Goss, shows plenty of promise and is telling of what to expect going forward.

An acoustic track with a surprising country flavour, Lay Down establishes an early identity for the young band. The crooning vocals suit the relaxed nature of this number, while their blues pedigree is maintained through their lyrics (and no small amount of effort). There are noted growing pains, however, particularly during instrumentals. These tend to feel haphazard and muddled. This more of an indication of inexperience rather than poor composition, and will almost certainly be ironed out.

The overall lo-fi aesthetic adds to the song in a positive way. It suits the vocals and allows each different instrument an opportunity to shine. There's a creeping pleasure to be taken in waiting for each instrument to ignite for the first time. With a few wrinkles to be found, but nothing unfixable, Lay Down is the first step for Baroda, and it was the right one to take.


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