Paul and The Meanie - The Yellow Bedroom Demos

Paul and The Meanie - The Yellow Bedroom Demos If ever a more appropriate name was used in the making of a record, I don’t know what it is. Paul and The Meanie, a three-piece indie outfit from Armagh (Side question: Why does three seem to be the magic number for indie bands? Is it a satanic thing? Moving on.), have put out their debut EP. The Yellow Bedroom Demos, named for the space in which they were birthed (Like how everyone named Colin was conceived in Colin Glen Forest Park.), is a generous mix of energetic indie rock with a healthy stake in a fun-loving funk. Combing poor men's versions of Kook-esque guitar arrangements and the jarring vocal practices made popular by early Arctic Monkeys, the uncomplicated attitude towards these demos is as endearing as it is enjoyable. This is low slung jeans, liberated indie rock, the type of songs built for sunshine and cider. At least, on the surface. It was on my third listen that I truly began to appreciate the vulnerable s...