ROE - Hey Thomas

ROE - Hey Thomas 

ROE, aka Roisin Donald, has once again seen fit to strut her luxurious rhythms and hooks through the airwaves on her newest song Hey Thomas.

Known for her infusion of sweet indie licks, razor glass vernacular and clawing lyrics, ROE has her most impressive showing yet. A Kooks inspired riff forms the backbone of this velvet lined indie-pop banger. “And I promise, to be a bit of a bully so that my friends think that I’m funny at your expense” snarls ROE, all cheek and swagger, before the addicting synth beat kicks in, inducing rhythmic finger snaps and grooving shoulder dips. Already a skilled multi-instrumentalist, ROE flexes her lyrical muscles, sliding between witty and sharp to dark and biting. Shades of Sigrid bleed through the booming drums, but it is the subtlety in the lyrics and the sarcasm that ROE puts he down unique spin on things. Rather than bombastic beats and cocaine hooks, there is a merlot muteness amidst a cocktail of sophisticated synth pulses with ROE deflecting between growls and pleads. Another fantastic addition to a steadily growing repertoire of great tunes.


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